multi$50794$ - translation to Αγγλικά
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  • ετυμολογία

multi$50794$ - translation to Αγγλικά

MULTI-SKETCH; Multi-Sketch; Multi-sketching; Multi-Sketching

pref. multi-
Dual Tone Multi Frequency         
  • Two CMD CM8870CSI DTMF Receivers
  • DTMF keypad layout.
  • Combination of 1209 Hz and 697 Hz sine waves, representing DTMF "1"
Dual-tone multifrequency signaling; DTMF; Multifrequency signaling; Dual tone multi-frequency; Touch tone; Touch Tone; Dual tone multi frequency; Tone dialing; Touch-Tone; Touch-tone; Touch tone frequencies; Touch tone music; Touchtone; Touch-tone dialing; Dtmf; Dual-tone multi-frequency; Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency; Dual-tone multi-frequency signalling; Touch tones; ITU-T Recommendation Q.23
dubbele toon multi frekwentie (bij telefoon met toetsen), geven van speciale klank aan elke toets op apparaat (bestaande uit twee frekwenties - hoge en lage)
machine independent         
Crossplatform; Device independent; Machine-independent; Platform independent; Cross platform; Multiplatform; Multi-platform; Platform independence; Platform-independent; Platform dependence; Platform dependent; Multi-format; Device independence; Machine independent; Machine independence; Cross-Platform; Multiple platforms; Screen Agnostic; Multi platform; Platform Independent; Platform-agnostic; Platform agnostic; Device Independence; Mutli-platform; Multi-channel app development; List of cross-platform programming toolkits and environments; Cross-platform programming; Cross platform app development; Cross-platform; Cross platform libraries
machine onafhangkelijk, programma dat op een paar soorten computers kan werken


dual boot
<operating system> Any system offering the user the choice of two operation systems (OSes) under which to start a computer. A dual boot system allows the user to run programs for both operating systems on a single computer (though not simultaneously). The term "multiple boot" or "multiboot" extends the idea to more than two OSes. The OSes are generally unaware of each other's existence. They are installed on separate hard disk partitions or on separate disks. They may be able to access each other's files, possibly via some extra driver software if they use different file systems. The OSes need not be completely different - they might be different versions of Microsoft Windows (e.g. Windows XP and Windows NT) or Linux (e.g. Debian and Fedora). A dual boot system differs from an emulator such as vmware, which runs one or more OSes "on top" of the primary OS, using its resources. (2005-02-01)



Multi-sketch is an animation method of story-telling where a sequence of hand-drawn sketches are created simultaneously while narrating it with voice. To achieve this a Tablet PC or digitizing tablet can be used to create improvised progressive line sketches which are captured to video.

Such types of cartoons are created in a freestyle unscripted manner, which makes them original, since the whole cartoon does not need editing after it is completed. The final multi-sketch can be sent to various video formats.